The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion Canon Kenneth Kearon writes:
‘I want to bring to your attention the request of the Primates and Moderators of the Anglican Communion, at their recent meeting in Alexandria, Egypt, that Anglican Churches world-wide observe 25th February, Ash Wednesday, as a day of prayer and solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe.
‘The primates and Moderators also requested that parishes throughout the Anglican Communion give aid to enable food and other material aid for Zimbabwe for distribution through the dioceses of the Church of the Province of Central Africa.’
Financial aid should be channelled through your own church’s relief and development agency, or alternatively donations (in any currency) can be sent to:
The Anglican Communion Office, 16 Tavistock Crescent, London W11 1AP England.
Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of Southern Africa and the Rt. Rev. Albert Chama, dean of the Anglican Province of Central Africa, had addressed the primates about Zimbabwe and in a press briefing the following day they spoke to the media.
Archbishop Makgoba. "We explained the urgency of the situation - the total collapse of the economy and socio-political infrastructure - and appealed to the primates to assist in whatever humanitarian needs they could provide to Zimbabwe."
Prayer for the People of Zimbabwe
We pray for the suffering people of Zimbabwe,
Forced to live amid deterioration, disease and despair.
We raise our voices on their behalf,
As truth-tellers we want to proclaim 'This is not good',
It is not how God desires our world to be.
Loving Father, look after the people of that sad but beautiful land,
Care for the little ones,
Comfort the dying ones,
And into this hour of darkness may the light of your new dawn begin to shine.
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