
Covenant votes on March 3

Chelmsford Diocese is said to have rejected the Covenant on the narrowest of margins - 2 votes in the House of Clergy. The bishops were divided - 2 for, 1 against and 1 abstention.

More detail when it comes in.

Hereford Diocese has also voted against the Covenant, again by a very narrow margin:
Bishops For: 2
Clergy   For: 15, Against: 15,  Abstained: 1
Laity      For: 21, Against: 23, Abstained: 1 
And, the last result of the day, Bradford voted equally narrowly for the Covenant:
Bishops For: 1, Against:  0
Clergy   For: 15, Against: 9  Abstained: 2
Laity     For: 16, Against: 15 Abstained:  3

That makes 13 dioceses against and 8 for.

Therefore, of the 24 dioceses yet to vote: 15 must vote in favour for the Covenant to pass, and 9 must vote against if it is to fail.

Six dioceses vote next Saturday:
Bath and Wells
Ripon and Leeds


  1. Well done Paul in getting this information out so quickly. You've even pipped 'Modern Church' at the post with the results.

    Well done also Chelmsford and Hereford for rejecting this terrible idea of a divisive, exclusionist and unanglican Covenant.

    Any news yet of Bradford?

  2. All I do is to watch the email messages sent by my No Anglican Covenant Colleagues. They do the work. I have nothing better to do on Saturday afternoons. Sad, really.

  3. Thanks for the Bradford result, which is one of the dioceses most expected to have voted for the Covenant, but even there it was close ... ish.

    Sorry to hear about your Saturday afternoons and their lack of entertainment. Why don't you go shopping like the rest of us?
